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Grand Master’s Edict on COVID-19

To The Officers & Members of all Constituent Lodges, Appendant Bodies, & Building Associations of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Maine. For several months, we have been at the mercy of COVID-19 and the local, state, and federal guidelines directing our actions during this pandemic. While not completely in the clear yet, the Governor’s …

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Social Media Policy

The Grand Lodge of Maine recognizes that social media has grown exponentially in recent years. It has a goal of supporting the regular and extensive use of it. We know many Brethren regularly connect by Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other means. Masons must be mindful that their individual postings reflect their character and Freemasonry across …

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About Freemasonry

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. For three centuries, it has beckoned men of good character to its ranks. It has no regard for differences in race, color, creed, religion, or station in life. Using traditions and implements of antiquity, it seeks to inspire its members. They live by the tenets of Brotherly …
