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Is your child struggling with Dyslexia?

Millions of school children with dyslexia endure frustration and demoralization on a daily basis as they struggle to acquire skills that many of us take for granted. If your child is struggling with reading and writing, how do you know if dyslexia is the cause?

Where can you go for help?

The Learning Center at the Bangor Masonic Center is here for you and your family!

The Bangor Masonic Dyslexia Learning Center

For over two decades, the Scottish Rite Masons, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, have been national leaders in the effort to help children and their families overcome the painful obstacles of dyslexia with more than 50 active Dyslexia Centers in 13 states.

The Children’s Dyslexia Learning Center tackles the challenge of dyslexia head-on, both by providing free tutoring at our Learning Center for children with dyslexia but also by training a growing cadre of highly skilled and dedicated tutors.

Dyslexia is an inherited neurological disorder that affects the way people learn to read and speak as well as how they process things mathematically. Famous dyslexics include Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Leonardo DaVinci, Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, and Whoopi Goldberg.

Dyslexia affects one out of every five people. It affects boys and girls in equal numbers. Children left with untreated dyslexia often suffer devastating personal consequences.

It is the number one reason teenagers drop out of school. It is a primary factor in juvenile delinquency. Research reveals that children with untreated dyslexia can become underachieving adults unable to contribute to society at their fullest capacity.

Dyslexia is, however, a treatable condition. Children with dyslexia need professional help. The earlier they receive it, the greater their chances of achieving normal, fully functional lives. Please contact us for more information.

Our tutor training program is accredited by both the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC) and the International Dyslexia Association (IDA).


Bangor Masonic Center
294 Union St.
Bangor, ME 04401

Dyslexia Learning Center

Space Available for Rentals

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